Wednesday, May 14, 2008

An update and WooHoo!

Ok, the "woohoo" is for Anna.  Her new little thing is saying "woohoo" and raising both her hands in the air.  It is so funny and cute.  Like she will say "woohoo, daddy's home" and put her arms up.  I do not know where she gets this stuff at, but it is a hoot!   Oh and something else I wanted to add about Annie is that she is super observant, probably more so than any of the other kids.  Like, she will see our house from far away and say "our home."  Or she will see Ryan's truck through our house window when he is barely in sight.  It is fun to try and figure that girl out.  Sometimes I think she is really a lovey dovey softy (which she is), but other times she just seems to be such a thinker and you can tell she really studies stuff.  I guess maybe she will be well balanced and both!

We too Gee to Children's again on Monday.  We took him to a urologist so that we can get his circumcision done.  The Dr. was super nice.  He thinks that we should hold off on circ'ing him until we find out what his issues are.  He said that since the circ is elective and it won't really matter whether we do it now or a year from now, he thought it best to figure out what is going on with his body first.  That is fine with me.  I'd like to get his circumcision over with, but whatever the Dr. think is best is fine.  The Dr. also wants to do an u/s of Gee's kidneys (scheduled for next week).  He said he mostly wants to do it just to rule out an issue there.  We are also suppose to take Gee in to get a urine sample done the next time he is fevering.  Gideon hasn't been sick in a couple weeks which is good.  His is still having some stool issues though and hasn't gained any notable weight.  

We are leaving to go camping this afternoon and everyone is super excited.  Even the little ones are excited and they have no clue what "going camping" even means.  We are heading to Kentucky, so it will be about a 3 hour drive.  We are going with Ryan's family, so it will be quite the crew.  It is nice though because the kids play well together and we always enjoy visiting with each other.  Plus, it really helps on meals when everyone pitches in!  We will be back on Sunday.



Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness she sounds just like Kemry. She notices everything and seems to remember them forever. She shocks me sometimes. :) They're so fun aren't they?

Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out well for your little guy soon. If you are interested, I am a group leader for a group for moms who believe in circumcising, it is great place to find info and support.

I hope you'll check it out:
