Monday, July 14, 2008

Just a little rondomness....

I have no clue why my pictures are so wonky. Sorry, but I am too lazy to try and figure what the problem is.

Anymore when I go to take a picture, Gideon totally cheeses it up. It is so funny. Half the time I am not even planning on taking his picture, but I do anyways because he is cracking me up so much. In this first little clump of pics, I was trying to get a picture of the girls' kinky hair. I braided both the girls' hair into tiny braids and when I took it out yesterday, well it looked so funny I went to get my camara.

Also in this clump is Madeline sleeping in the high chair (insert major frustrations right here). We have been having major issues with Maddie sleeping where and when she should (please pray for this situation if you think of it). Madeline can, will and does climb out of EVERYTHING. Don't want to nap? No problem, just climb out of the pack -n- play and bother Anna who is being a good girl and is trying to go to sleep. Don't want to stay in the play area? No worries, just hop over the gate and go upstairs and try on all your flip flops. Our normal discipline methods are completely uneffective here. In the last day or so we have discovered "the chair." She hasn't figured out how to get out of this yet. So, we had the typical nap time experience and Maddie ended up in her chair, where she fell alseep (I knew she was tired!).

How funny is this picture of Gee (above obviously, ugh, why do I have to be so technically ignorant?)! He is the man of many faces! He does these kinds of looks all the time, I was just lucky I caught one.

Ok, these 2 pics are so funny to me. A little back story first. About a month ago I saw Annie doing this to her baby. I said "are you feeding your baby?" and she said yes. I thought is was adorable, but I wasn't really sure if she realized what she was doing. Then on vacation she did it a couple more times and now her and Maddie frequently nurse their babies. I am happy to see both my little girls share my passion for nursing, but I am a little confused as to where they picked it up, especially Anna. It has been quite some time Madeline has been nursed and while I have 2 sil's who nurse they don't see that all that often. Oh well, it is what it is and I think it is quite adorable.


1 comment:

andrea said...

oh julie!!
i love love your new updates!
miss you!!

your kids are gorgeous!!