Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who owns this house anyways??

Madeline has been sleeping in a pack n play in our bedroom for months now. This stems from her inability to obey and sleep when told and her ability to climb out and over anything put in her path. Her and Anna share a bedroom and months ago I got it all ready with new toddler beds, I made them quilts, and just got Leah's old room (the biggest one upstairs) ready just for them. Well, it was very clear from the get go that Anna and Madeline were not going to go to sleep in the same room. So we moved Madeline to a pack and play in Leah's room (Leah really loved that). Then Madeline started having her "issues" and the rest is history. Last night I decided to try and let the girls sleep together again. Madleine really wanted to sleep in her big girl bed and she has been doing much better at not climbing out of her packie (thanks to Leah's inventive sticker chart). So, I gave it a go. Within about 10 minutes Madeline was yelling for me telling me that Anna wouldn't quit talking. I know this is true because that is how Anna is (very chatty like her mama) and I had heard her carrying on. So I went upstairs a couple different times and settled things down and then, get this........they fell asleep. I was so proud. Well, that was until I heard some pitter patter at 5:00 am in the morning! Thelma and Loise had obviously be up for a while. They were just walking around the kitchen, maybe looking for a snack? They each had a pair of shoes on, a purse and just acted like this was normal every day activity. They didn't even come to Ryan and I's room. I wonder if I hadn't heard them if we just would have woken up in the morning to them lounging on the couch, watching Dora, chugging their sippy cups and helping themselves to some snack bars. After further investigation, I saw that their light was on (I am amazed it did not wake their 3 siblings up, the rooms up there are close) and their upstair toys had been well played with. Who knows how long they had been up. The good news is that the girls went back to sleep, the bad news is, I did not. Yawn. Off to check those grey hairs.

I just wanted to say thank you to anyone who prayed I would find the kids' baby books. They have been found! I was so thrilled. About 6 weeks ago I reorganized my closet and really sorted through a lot of the pictures/adoption stuff that had been stuffed in there over the last year. Those two books had been sorted and put in a bin under our bed. In my feverish hunt, I had looked there first, but aparently not well enough. Or maybe God did His thing and in response to your prayers made my precious lost items found!



Jen Stevens said...

Girls, girls! I just have to laugh.

andrea said...

oh julie..how funny!
i love it and i can tell you this emma would've just been playing right along with them:)