So, I cut Annie's hair. I really like it although I was skeptical at first. I usually prefer long hair on the girls, but I was cutting Logan and Gee's hair and Anna wanted hers cut also. I was going to just trim it, but I ended up cutting like 3 inches off. It is adorable on her (although it looks a little wonky in the pics). Ryan said that now she really looks like Dora. Tis true.
We also went trick or treating last Thursday. We went to my Grandma's nursing home and that was lots of fun. The kids got way more candy than they will ever eat. Anna was a pumpkin, Gideon was a monkey and Madeline was a frog. Logan went at George Bush and Leah and my two nephews went as hie secret service.

A cute picture of the girls. They really are best buds.

Anna's hair, pre-cut.
Gideon loves his Papa.

Gideon loves his Papa.

We keep busy these days. Home schooling takes quite a bit of time and man, my days just seem to fly by. The three little ones are getting more independant and are getting to do more things. Like go up and down the stairs freely, climbing up on the bars stools, stuff like that. They even have their own coat hooks and shoe basket in the laundry. They are learning to hang thier own coats up and to put things away. The don't totally have the hang of it, but they are picking it up quick.
Until later.........
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