We have had some sort of bug going through the kids. Leah was sick a couple weeks ago, with a very high fever and just lying around and sleeping. Then it seems Maddie got it a few days ago and then Annie came down with it on Monday. It seems like it is all a little different for them. Leah didn't really have much of a cold, just the headache, high fever and achiness. Madeline said her legs hurt, plus she had a fever (not near as high as Leah's), along with sneezing and some coughing. I thought Madeline was over it over the weekend, but she had a fever again yesterday and was complaining about her legs again. She is also being a bear, oh my, she is a whiney mess. Anna had a high fever Monday and just kind of laid around. She was quite pathetic, but now she is doing much better and it eating and acting pretty normal.
I have got to say, Anna is the best little sick thing ever. Even when her fever was 103.5, she was smiling at us and trying to be silly. Anna has kind of become my breath of fresh air. She is still the queen of drama (the girl should seriously be an actress), but she is just such an easy person to be around. She is full of energy and happiness and I can always count on her for a smile or a silly dance. Anna is still extremely perceptive of everything. Directions, a hard to see star, her sister from across the church foyer. I call her my little eagle eye.
Anna is starting to say some of the funniest/cutest stuff. Like right now her and Gideon are eating breakfast right behind me. They are carrying on and Anna's new phrase is "ha ha." I am sorry to say, but it is from the "Simpson's". No, we do not watch the "Simpson's" nor do we let the kids watch it. However, back in the high school days, we were know to watch an episode or two and I guess some of the phrases have lingered. So, now my 2 yr old runs around telling the other kids "ha ha" in the appropriate voice. While I am a little appalled that she does it, I more so find it totally hilarious. Let's see, Anna also says prayers with us, which is just precious. Right now she is really into wearing little sleeveless undershirts under her clothes. After her bath the other day I stuck one on her and she said "perfect!" :) :) So cute! Oh yeah, this morning I told her and Madeline to go upstairs and wake up their sleepy head brothers. Anna goes upstairs into their room and says "wake up, wake up, buenos dias, wake up." It was soooo cute. I love that she uses a little bit of Spanish. Yes, thank you Dora the Explorer. The only Spanish that I actively work with them on is counting from 1 to 10. But I encourage them to use any new words they pick up or any of the few words they already know.
As for Gideon, he is doing pretty good. He has avoided being sick, he just has a cough. He has yet to start gaining much weight, but at this point I guess that is just going to be his way. He is growing, just not all that fast. He acts healthy, so that is the important thing. He still has poo issues. Like over the weekend Ryan and I probably changed a dozen poopie diapers (no exaggeration). They were all stinky and nasty also. Ugh..... I am so tired of poop! At some point we are going to potty train him. He just seems to not care at all about whether he or poopie or wet, or about using the potty. I guess I am just dreading the battle. I usually like to get a feel from the kids first that they are ready to start learning. I don't get that from Gee, but maybe I'd be surprised if I started trying.
Gideon is developing into the quirkiest little guys. Not in a bad way at all, but in a funny way. He has this laugh/cackle that will make even the most somber person smile. Something will tickle him and he will just break out cackling. It is very loud and extremely funny. It usually comes in fits also. He could be cackling about something for minutes at a time. All Ryan and I can do it look at each other and laugh. Gee is a very scrappy little dude and he is FAST. Oh my, I never going to be able to keep up with him. The other day, the three little ones were walking around like crabs, I swear Gee could walk like a crab as fast as he could walk normally. Gee talks a lot and I really haven't noticed much delay in either of our two Guatlings at this point when it comes to speech. Gee is a little more selective with his words than Anna, but they are both doing so well.
All in all, life is good, normal. Our days are spent homeschooling, running around a bit, and just doing all the things you'd expect us to be doing.
Until later.....
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