Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good News.....and some bad news.

Good news first (and trust me this far outweighs the bad).

Well, Gideon is legally our son now! His birthmom signed off for the 4th and final time. Our agency actually has the document in their possession. Now we are having to organize couriers in California to get it state certified and consulate authenticated. Our agency should have it back to them and ready for Guatemala by next Tuesday. So, I HATE that we have lost all this time, but we can now move forward. When it has all been said and done I am confident that these 5 weeks will seem pretty insignificant. I just thank God that we will have the rest of Gideon's life as a part of our family!

The bad news is that we have lost Annie's passport and visa. This is not a good thing. She obviously cannot travel without it and I obviously will not leave her. I am doing all I can to get it replace (and have been for a week now). Tomorrow at 9:00 we have an appointment with an immigration officer in Columbus to see what our options are. If we could just get her an American passport then we wouldn't have to worry about the visa (she came home with a Guatamalan passport), but she has no proof yet that she is a citizen and won't for a little while. Even though she is a US citizen! I don't mind getting her another Guat passport, but the passport agency that the Guatemalan Consulate uses is down and issuing no passports right now. Even then, we'd still have to figure out the visa thing. We can get travel documents from the Guat Consulate to get her into Guatemala, but we need a visa to get her home!

It is just a mess and I am praying we can make some progress tomorrow because no one, thus far, in the Guatemalan or US government cares to help us. Trust me, I've talked to a lot of people.

So, mostly I am just praising God we are one step closer to Gideon. I still am very anxious to be with him again, but on step at a time right now!


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