Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mixed Emotions.

Well, first of all, Annie is amazing! She seems to be adjusting so well. She is starting to act like a normal toddler. She isn't quite as clingy (although she still is some, which I don't mind a bit) and will frolic around the house just as you would expect. She is sleeping a little better, she was getting up every hour at night, but she just got up twice last night. She eats well and likes most foods I give her. But, if she doesn't like them you know because she spits it right back out. She like to throw things which is pretty typical toddler behavior at this age.

I am also loving having a bigger family. It is fun to see Leah and Logan helping out Maddie and Annie. All 4 of my kids are just so interesting and fun!

Now for the mixed emotions part. I miss Gideon and we have hit a bit delay. For reasons I can't really go in to, the birthmom has not signed off on her 4th and final sign off. This is suppose to happen right after PGN. I can say it is not an issue of her desire to place Gideon up for adoption, she still wants to do that, but it is other issues. That is why this is just a delay at this point. I am just having such a hard time not being with him and then to have these concerns about his bm and this is just adding so much time to our process...... I am praying very hard that this birthmom situation is handled this week. Could you do that same? It is a very delicate situation that is taking quite some time to resolve. I do believe it is reasonable though to hope (and pray) it will be resolved this week.

Also, something else that could use some prayer is our pick up trip for Gideon. We have pretty much decided to go as a family, which is great, but I really want to go earlier than that. Once we are submitted to the Embassy, there's a reasonable amount of certainity that we will have pink within a week or so (our Embassy date). I would like to take the kids and foster in Antigua until Gideon is ready to come home (Antigua is like 45 min. away from Guatemala City). I would anticipate us being there 2 to 3 weeks. A ton of people foster in Antigua and I hear there's a nice little community. One lady I met said they even had weekly bible studies. I am confident I could find a cheap apartment and I here the price of food is super reasonable. Well, Ryan is not totally keen on this idea right now. I, on the other hand, have never been so sure. I mean I have seriously not felt this passionately about something in a long time. I just KNOW our family needs to be together asap. I have a son 4 hours away from me, how can I not do what I can to be with him? Plus, the kids would love Antigua. The weather is amazing, we would have the beach, and how often do kids get to travel to another country to bring their brother home?

Anyways, going to Guatemala asap is just something I feel I need to do. And while I can appreciate Ryan's desire to "ground" me, I am not deterred. Could you pray that God would give us some clear direction here?


1 comment:

Sonia said...


I am definitely praying!
