Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Anna!!!

Sorry, but for some reason, I can't get the pictures to go in after my blogging, so here they are first.

The kids eating lunch on Anna's new picnic table.

Here's her cake.  It was strawberry, which I don't normally do, but it was pink and she picked it out.  I actually thought is was pretty yummy.  The frosting was just regular buttercream and tinted pink.  It was 4 layers with fresh strawberries.  Very rich! 

Anna, being silly.  She gets all goofy now when we ask her to smile.

Oh, dear heavens, Uncle Tim gave her a bowl of salsa and she went to town.  She loved it!

Eating her yummy cake!

Well, at 8:25 pm Anna will be "2."  I wasn't really sure at what time of day she was born, but Leah and Logan were asking me, so yesterday I checked.  We kind of make a big deal around here about the exact time of birth.  Anna's birth mom was probably in labour about now.  I think my overwhelming feeling right now is gratefulness.  I am mostly grateful to God for allowing Anna to become our daughter, but I am also incredibly grateful to Anna's birth mom, especially today.  In Anna's first 6 months of life, her birth mom had to make decisions that I am sure were completely heartbreaking.  But, those heartbreaking decisions gave us this wonderful gift of our beautiful, bright Anna Maria.

Last night we got together with my family and celebrated.  It was a little chaotic, but lots of fun.  My extended family went together and bought a really fun outdoor climber for both Anna's and Gideon's (upcoming) birthday.  We already have the climber outside and the kiddos LOVE it.  We bought Anna a picnic table from us and the kids already ate lunch on it early this week (the one day we didn't have rain).  Tonight we are taking Anna out with just our immediate family.  Leah and Logan got her a little gift and we also bought her a princess outfit.  I really treasure getting to take the kids out on their actual birthdays with just us.  I know it won't always work out this way, but when it does, it is my favorite.  Tomorrow is Anna's princess party.  All the girl cousins on both sides are invited over and we are going to celebrate in true princess style!
So, Anna will be celebrating for 3 days in a row, but hey, why not?  Also, we are going to celebrate next week with Ryan family (when we go camping).  So, Anna is going to have her share of partying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ANNA!!!! She is so beautiful and her cake is fabulous!!!!! :)