Boy, I like having Ryan's laptop and internet in our room! It is great to be able to get on-line from here and not have to go over to the baby lounge like we did last time.
Well, yesterday was the embassy. It went fine, although we encountered a snag. We thought Gideon would be able to come home on an IR-3 visa because Ryan is here visiting. Annie came home on an IR-4 visa because Ryan did not visit her. The difference between the two is whether they are a cictizen or permanent resident when they hit US soil. If they are only a permament resident (which Annie is) they have to be readopted in the states. I really don't understand it all because I think they have to be readopted regardless of the visa. I know Ohio recognizes the kids as our legal children (including all the benefits of that, like insurance), the law requires that, but I just don't understand all the in's and out's yet.
So, anyways, back to the Embassy. We get up to the final window and we didn't have enough documents because of the visa thing. I guess Gideon's adoption was finalized in early September and Ryan would of had to of visited before that. Luckily we got the extra papers we needed from the Embassy and Ryan was able to come back to the hotel to print off the tax return we also needed. We got all that done and back to our window before they closed at noon. So, all in all it is fine, but a bit of a pain.
Yesterday we went to a nice little Italian place to celebrate. They had really yummy food!!
We had a really good time and the place was pretty accomodating for our large group.
It rained all day yesterday. It is the rainy season here, so you expect some rain in the afternoons, but all day isn't really normal. Needless to say, our walk to and from lunch was wet. It wasn't a downpour, but steady. We had the kids covered the best we could. Annie and Maddie were in their strollers and I had Gideon in the carrier. We are all walking along and this local man comes up beside me and shares his umbrella with us. He walked a block or so with us, partially out of his way, until we got under the awning of a hotel. He didn't speak any English, but he just smiled and was so kind. It really warmed my heart!
So, here's a picture of Ryan, Gideon and I right after we got back from the Embassy.

Well, I have to go. We are going to see a volcano soon and I have to get the kiddos ready!
I will post more later today because I have a special picture for Aunt Esther!