This picture was taken shortly after the foster family left. Take note of the blankie that Logan picked out for him.

This was taken day 2 with Gideon.

The girls with daddy on the way to Antigua.

At the Guatemala airport.
At a local coffee roaster, on our way to Antigua.

A beautiful view of Antigua!

One of the many beautiful churches in Antigua.

On of the locals working on a table runner. They did an incredible job!

Gideon fell alseep on Leah.

Ok, this cannot be comfortable!

A local vendor at the Artisian market. He was a really nice guy, not as pushing as the hundred other vendors that "give a really good price, special for us."

Leah got all dressed up by "Carolina." She owned this shop. This is the same place as the picture of the local woman making the table ruuner. This shop was kind of special. It is pretty well known in the area and has won lots of awards.

Some snuggle time. Ok, do they get any sweeter than this??
Gideon was happy to finally be able to run around a little at the artisian market.

He looks like such a big boy in this picture. Man, I love this kid!!

At the zoo today.
That's all folks! The Embassy is tomorrow!!
Can't wait for you to come home. Will see you at the airport.
Love, Mom
Give everyone hugs for me.
PS Pray for a friend of Nick's Matt. Was at school in Toledo wrecked his motorcycle and now is in very serious condition.
Looks like a great time !!!
What great pics!! Enjoy the rest of your stay and have a safe trip home!!
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