Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Just a quickie..

Gideon is sitting on my lap right now. He is being pretty fussy right now. Antigua was great, but it was a pretty long day with all 5 of the kids. They did well but they just got very tired and bored by the end of the day. I am glad we went though and if it weren't for fussy kiddos I would have loved to stay longer.

One thing I just really like about Guatemala (which I think this is kind of a Central America thing) is the park like areas that everyone gathers to. I mean we are downtown Guatemala City and there's a large sitting area and fountain just a block from here. And people actually gather there just to hang out. Antigua was the same way. I just think that is really nice, but I guess that is the social bug coming out in me.

There are a couple random things I'd like to note. Another thing about the foster family that I thought was cool was that when they brought Gideon here they brought all the things I had sent for him the last 10 months. They had also filled up the two disposible camaras we had left. I never expected to get things back and I did!

The second random thing is that I met a couple here that both graduated from Cedarville University. I couldn't believe. They seem like a great couple. They are adopting a little girl Gideon's age and they have two older girls Leah and Logan's age. They are here for an extended period of time, so I have a feeling we will hook up some!

Well, that is it for now. I hope Gideon sleeps as well tonight as he did last night. He is just so whiney right now. I mean I totally understand the poor little guy has been through a lot, but it is just tough to not be able to make him better. Please pray for him as he transitions. I think he wants to be happy. Sometimes he plays like nothing is going on, but lately, well, I think he is just a sad little guy.


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