We had decided previously to take the horses up the mountain. The walk seemed a little too long and brutal for all the kids. Well, let's just say the horses, in my opinion were more brutal. God love those poor animals. We weren't just trucking up a nice wide trail at a steady incline. Oh my goodness, I seriously feared for our lives at times. Ok, maybe that is a little overdramatic, but it was pretty scary. I was worried about all 5 of the kids and mama and papa (who was sweet enough to lug Annie on his back the whole time). We are talking very rugged terrain and very steep inclines. Lots of mud, lava rocks and grooves in the mountain that were just wide enough for the horses hooves. It was crazy. But, the incredible view was 100%worth it. It is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! I am so glad we went and now we all have an experience we will never forget.
I have to add, I was so very proud of everyone yesterday. This was Debbie and Logan's first horse riding experience and they did amazing! If they can ride up a steep volcano, I would venture to say they can ride anywhere! Oh and Gideon LOVED riding the horse. Almost so much that I wonder if he had done it before. He didn't even ride in a carrier. He just sat with Ryan like a big boy!
We also got to see some more of Guatemala on our way to the volcano. Including the city the Annie was born in. We went through some local "towns" also. It was there that we saw the people of Guatemala in their more natural setting. It was very touching and sad. It was what you probably envision when we say 3rd world country.
We pick up Gideon's visa today around 4:00. And, our flight leaves tomorrow around 6:25. I am ready to come home.
A couple prayers requests if you will: Gideon has been fighting a fever (it was 102.2 last night). We seems to be doing ok while on Tylenol, but I just pray it doesn't progress to something worse and he feels better soon. Maddie is 100% again, so at least we don't have two sick babies. Also, I am not feeling great. Nothing horrible, but certainly not great. So prayers for overall health and safety would be great!
Pictures (sorry they are out of order)
Annie and Rick on their horse.
Logan and his guide at the top.

Ummm, I don't think we should be poking the lava.....

Ummm, I don't think we should be poking the lava.....
This little guy's name is Alan and he was soooo cute! He lead Ryan's horse.
This is a market across the street where we've bought a lot of goodies to bring home.
Leah on the trail.
Maddie and I on the trail.
Volcano information.
3 of our guides. They were really super guys. Oscar if on the left and he led Deb and I's horse. He was super nice and never once did he snickers at us for being such rookies. He helped us on and off the horses, and even carried our backpack. Which is probably going to stay in Guatemala now. Lets just say Oscar left his mark on it. The guy on the far right was sweet also. He carried Gideon for me for a little bit while we were walking down to the lava. And then there's little Alan again.
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