Friday, October 12, 2007

And we have "mommy"

Just a little note, Gideon appropriately said "mommy" this morning. I think he's said it before, but there was no doubt this morning. Ryan had him in the shower with him and he cried and reached for me saying "mommy, mommy" the whole time. It was quite pitiful, but very heartwarming for me!

Also, he seems to be adjusting more. He is sleeping a little better and just has a more calm disposition, although he still has his moments!

Well, it's off to the US Embassy for us!



Katie said...

Awwww..... he is a smart boy !!

Jen Stevens said...

Good boy Gideon!!! Those two both chose great moments for their first "mommy".
Happy Embassy Day! I'm glad it's all behind you now.