Thursday, May 10, 2007


Well, I got an update via e-mail today. Annie entered PGN on April 24th. So, 2 1/2 weeks are down. That is good! We had to send a new name affidavit in for Gideon and it is being translated right now. So, hopefully we will be back in PGN with him very soon! Our agency sent out our videos today, so I get to look forward to getting those.

I really want to poat some pictures, but my laptop is dead and I just haven't been able to get things working on our regular computer. Soon though, especially after I get my disc.

I got a medical update on Gideon and he is doing well, weighing 18 lbs and 4 oz. He was crying again in the pictures, but he is still such a cutie!

Well, that is it. I will try and post pictures this weekend when I have access to Ryan's laptop!


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