Monday, September 10, 2007

Finally some pictures of Annie!

Ok, so we finally got our computer issues worked out so here are some pictures of Miss Annie.

This one I just thought was cute. We visited my mom and step dad at a campground a couple weekends ago and the girls needed a place to sleep. So, Annie fell asleep in the back of our Suburban and Maddie went to sleep in the back of my sister's Tahoe.

I totally love this picture of Annie. It was taken over at my BIL and SIL's house. We went over for my sweet little niece's first birthday.

Well, it was bound to happen. We have two identical strollers that the girls push around the house all day. It was only a matter of time that they realized that they could push each other around.

Cool dude, don't cha think? She thought so, she loves to put glasses on and smile!

We took this at a campfire we had here at the house. The girls look so old sitting like big kids in their chairs!

I just like this picture of Annie. So sweet!

This picture was just taken like two days ago. This is what happens when you give a toddler a handy snack with peanut butter. Seriously though, Annie is the messiest eater I have ever seen. But, I was asking for it though. I mean peanut butter for a 16 month old....... I just set her on the ground and let Flirt (our golden retriever) clean her up.

Well, that is it for now.
Oh, just a little tid bit of info..... Wednesday was are going to Cincy to take Annie to her Dr.'s Appt. with Dr. Staat. Dr. Staat is an International Assistance Dr. that does nothing but see children that have been internationally adopted. Annie will eventually just see our family Dr., but it is good for her to initally see a specialist.
I will post later, after I talk to my agency about Gideon.
P.S. I really didn't let Flirt lick Annie clean. Stop worrying. I mean gesh, what kind of mom do you think I am? :)


Jen Stevens said...

Man, I love that kid!

Mary Jo said...

Too cute! You know what's funny? It took me a while to figure out who was who in the stroller picture - there's a great family resemblance!