Saturday, September 15, 2007

Today was a little scary.

So I took Annie to our local Dr.'s office to get her TB test read (she had it done in Cincy on Wed.). Well, it was positive. Dr. Staat had said that 20% of children will test positive. So, the next step was a chest x-ray. Before the x-ray I was getting a little scared. If the chest x-ray was bad it would mean she has active TB, which is pretty contagious and just not a good thing. Praise God the x-ray came back negative. So now Annie will have to take a daily medicine for 9 months. I guess after that she has a 95% chance of never showing any syptoms of her TB. although, she will always probably be a carrier.

Poor girl, daily medicine for 9 months, yuck! But hey, it could have been worse!


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