Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More Good News!

I just talked to my agency and she just got Gideon's DNA results in the mail. She normally gets them faxed to her. So, she said that if she has them the Embassy will probably have them by tomorrow. She said that we should have our pink slip within a week. Woohoo!!!! I cannot tell you how exciting this is.

To tell you the truth, it is a little scary. I mean I am totally ready, but we have a lot to do to get this brood physically ready to travel. Plus, on top of that I am trying to get my kitchen finished. We had to completely redo all the paper and repaint. So, the painting is done and the paper is about 2/3 rds done, but I ran out of paper, so..... It may not get done before we go, even though I just ordered some more.

Our agency said that they are seeing Embassy appointments being made for 3 or 4 days after pink slips, but on my adoption board they are running more like 2 weeks out. So, we shall see......

As exciting as all this is for us I would love to ask prayers for a friend of mine. She just got abother knock out of PGN after being in for 10 weeks. And, it was something that her caseworker forgot to put in her file. She is just so bummed and I just feel really bad for her.....

Thanks guys!!


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